Kamis, 11 November 2010

10 Fenomena Aneh Dalam Otak Manusia

Sampai saat ini masih banyak mysteri yang belum terungkap dari pikiran kita. Para ahli memang bisa menjelaskan fenomena-fenomena aneh dari pikiran kita tapi masih belum tahu dari mana asal semua itu. Mungkin kalian pernah mengalami beberapa fenomena di bawah ini.

1. Déjà Vu
Déjà Vu adalah perasaan ketika kita yakin pernah mengalami atau menyaksikan suatu kejadian sebelumnya, kamu merasa peristiwa itu sudah pernah terjadi dan berulang lagi. Hal ini diikuti dengan perasaan familiar yang kuat, takut dan merasa aneh. Kadang “kejadian sebelumnya” itu dikaitkan dengan mimpi, tapi kadang juga timbul perasaan yang mantap kalau kejadian tersebut benar-benar terjadi di masa lalu.

2. Déjà Vécu
Déjà Vécu adalah perasaan yang lebih kuat dari Déjà Vu. kalau Déjà Vu kita merasa sudah pernah melihat kejadian sebelumnya, tapi dalam Déjà Vécu kita akan mengetahui peristiwa tersebut jauh lebih detail, seperti mengingat bau dan suara-suara pada kejadian tersebut.

3. Déjà Visité
Déjà Visité adalah perasaan yang tidak biasa dimana kita merasa mengenal suatu tempat padahal sebelumnya kita tidak pernah mengunjugi tempat tersebut. Kalau Déjà vu berhubungan dengan peristiwa, sedangkan Déjà Visité berkaitan dengan tempat atau geografi. Nathaniel Hawthorne dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Our Old Home” bercerita saat dia mengunjungi reruntuhan sebuah kastil, tiba-tiba merasa kalau dia sudah sangat mengenal layout dari kastil yang baru pertama kali dia datangi itu. Belakangan dia sadar kalau bertahun-tahun sebelumnya dia pernah membaca puisi karangan Alexander Pope yang menggambarkan dengan detail kastil tersebut.

4. Déjà Senti
Déjà Senti adalah fenomena “pernah merasakan” sesuatu. Kejadiannya contohnya seperti ini : “Kamu merasa pernah mengatakan sesuatu, dipikiran kamu mengatakan, “Oh iya aku ngerti!” atau “Oh iya aku ingat!” tapi 1 atau 2 menit kemudian kamu akan sadar kalau kamu sebenarnya tidak pernah mengatakan apa-apa”.

5. Jamais Vu
Jamais Vu (tidak pernah melihat/mengalami) adalah kebalikan dari déjà vu. Jadi kamu tidak mengenal sebuah situasi padahal kamu yakin sekali kalau sebelumnya kamu pernah ada di situ. Bingung? Begini gampangnya: kamu mendadak tidak mengenal orang, kata-kata, atau tempat yang sebelumnya kamu tahu. Pada percobaan yang dilakukan Chris Moulin pada 92 orang yang disuruh menulis kata “pintu” 30 kali dalam waktu 60 detik ternyata 68 orang mengalami gejala Jamais Vu, yaitu merasa kalau “pintu” itu bahkan bukan merupakan sebuah kata. Ya Jamais Vu didiagnosis karena “kelelahan otak”.

6. Presque Vu
Presque Vu adalah perasaan yang kuat kalau kamu akan mengalami epiphany. Epiphany sangat jarang terjadi. Presque Vu artinya “hampir melihat” dan sensasinya bisa sangat membingungkan dan aneh.

7. L’esprit de l’Escalier
L’esprit de l’Escalier adalah saat kita merasa bisa melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik pada sebuah situasi setelah peristiwa itu terjadi. Contohnya begini: Kamu seorang pemain sepak bola, saat tendangan penalti kamu menendang bola ke samping kiri dan ternyata berhasil diblok kiper. Tiba-tiba pikiran kamu mengatakan, “Ahh, aku sebenernya tadi sudah yakin kalau nendang ke kanan pasti gol!” Jadi L’esprit de l’Escalier adalah rasa penyesalan tidak melakukan tindakan yang berlawanan dari suatu peristiwa sebelumnya.

8. Capgras Delusion
Capgras Delusion adalah fenomena dimana kita merasa yakin kalau keluarga atau teman dekat kita sebenernya adalah orang lain yang wujudnya sama persis. Seperti cerita-cerita di film Alien dimana tubuh manusia diambil alih oleh makhluk luar angkasa agar bisa hidup berdampingan dengan manusia biasa. Khayalan ini biasa terjadi pada penderita schizophrenia atau kelainan mental lain.

9. Fregoli Delusion
Fregoli Delusion adalah fenomena otak yang sangat jarang terjadi. Orang yang mengalami Fregoli Delusion sangat percaya kalau beberapa orang yang dia kenal sebenarnya adalah satu orang yang melakukan berbagai penyamaran. Fregoli berasal dari nama aktor Italia “Leopoldo Fregoli” yang bisa melakukan merubah penampilan dengan cepat dalam pertunjukannya.

10. Prosopagnosia
Prosopagnosia adalah fenomena dimana seseorang kehilangan kemampuan untuk mengenal wajah orang atau benda lain yang seharusnya mereka kenal. Orang yang mengalami ini biasanya menggunakan indera lain untuk mengingat orang tersebut, seperti bau parfum, gaya bicara atau cara berjalan orang itu. Contoh yang paling terkenal dari kasus ini dipublikasikan oleh Michael Nyman dalam bukunya yang berjudul “The man who mistook his wife for a hat”.

Sumber : kaskus.us

JC Sum, ‘Magic Babe’ Ning to vanish five spectators during next ‘mega-illusion’

JC Sum, Magic Babe Ning to vanish five spectators during next mega-illusion 
We’ll start this post with a definition: Singapore magic duo JC Sum and “Magic Babe” Ning define a “mega-illusion” as “a large-scale illusion spectacle that involves a large or iconic object or venue and/or covers a large area or distance.” It’s also important that it be performed live for an audience in an uncontrolled environment, they say.

A planned illusion for Dec. 12 in Singapore seems to meet that definition.

As much as we love good close-up magic, we are floored by ambitious, huge illusions, and this one qualifies: In “The Aerial Exit,” the pair will take five people from the audience, hoist them 20 feet in the air and vanish them. The illusion is planned for 5 p.m. Singapore time on Dec. 12 as part of the Explore Singapore 2010 campaign.

This will be the pair’s eighth mega-illusion, and it will be different from others they have performed: “The illusion methodology and techniques employed in this mega illusion are completely different from our previous stunts,” Sum said in a press release. “The fact that we are attempting the illusion with five untrained people from the general public makes it even more challenging.”

We can’t wait to see how it goes. Here’s the trailer for the attempt: 

source : ellusionist.com

And… who are you supposed to be? Character important for magic

And... who are you supposed to be? Character important for magic

I have written about various elements of the successful performance and demonstration of magic already. We have already discussed Theme and Structure. Today I want to touch briefly on character.

Character is who you are when you perform. 

Your character is fundamentally associated with theme; who you are and what you do simply have to ‘match’. It would be hard to take a mentalist serious about the untapped potential of the human mind if he performed dressed like Mac King, and cracked sh***y jokes every 2 minutes. Don’t get me wrong, I like Mac King, his character is perfect for what he does. If he decided to start doing bizarre magic, that character simply wouldn’t work. Could you imagine?

It can be difficult for us to determine our character. Are you naturally funny? Are you naturally imposing? Who do people see when you perform? Lee Asher gave me a great analogy; it is like you are inside a pickle jar looking out. You can see everything out there, except your own label.

I see a lot of young guys out there trying to perform all sorts of mentalism and PK, and it simply doesn’t work. Sorry, but if you are 15, it is going to be a hard sell to convince audiences that you have complete and utter control of your mind, and are able to use that control to demonstrate a variety of psychic phenomena.
Anyone older than 15 knows that at 15, you are a bag of hormones, and can barely control your baser urges, let alone the mind of someone twice your age.

Your character, and what you do must fit who you are. An atheist would have a difficult time performing gospel magic; a naturally goofy person will have a difficult time performing bizarre magic. We may idolize other performers, but it doesn’t mean we can be them. I love David Copperfield, but I know that style of magic simply does not fit me as a person, or a performer. Same thing goes for Lance Burton. Love watching him, but would never even attempt to perform that style of magic. It isn’t me, no matter how much I may want it to be.

The easiest way to begin to understand who you really are as a performer is to watch yourself perform. Video yourself performing as often as you can, and watch the footage carefully, but disassociated. Watch yourself as if you were an audience member watching a stranger. It takes a bit of practice, but you will get it. As you do this, you will begin to become aware of your personality as a performer from a 3rd person perspective, outside of yourself. Once you are aware, you can begin to see what kind of stuff ‘that guy’ should be doing.
What is your character? Is it believable? Is it really representative of you?

Discuss in the comment section, but be kind to each other.



source : ellusionist.com

See 56 cards in three minutes: Gregory Wilson previews the Arcane Gaff deck

See 56 cards in three minutes: Gregory Wilson previews the Arcane Gaff deck 
Ever since we published the full galleries of the upcoming Arcane Gaff Deck, we’ve been loaded with questions: “How the heck do you use THAT?”

This video may or may not answer those questions (Spoiler: Probably not). But Gregory Wilson shows off each one and talks about some of each card’s potential. You’ll get a taste for Wilson’s style and abilities, which awaits you in Arcane Gaff Techniques.

All of this gaff goodness will be available at 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15 (U.S. Eastern) Until then, enjoy:

Arcane Gaff Deck - 56 Cards in 3 Minutes from Ellusionist on Vimeo.

source : ellusionist.com

Minutes away from Metal: Sets of four Walking Liberties up for grabs during release

Metal by Eric Jones from Ellusionist .

Minutes away from Metal: Sets of four Walking Liberties up for grabs during release 
About ready to get Metal? Your chance to get the latest offering in coin magic, and a set of four Walking Liberties, is hours away.

Metal: Getting Started in High Impact Coin Magic fills a void that we at Ellusionist saw in the magic market. With so much dizzying, knuckle-busting, beautiful coin effects released lately, there wasn’t a definitive, solid compendium of beginning moves and intermediate routines that allowed magicians to get a solid foundation.

Eric Jones’ Metal features a full collection of vanishes, productions and routines featuring the smooth handlings that made him an underground master. The video is packed with more than two hours instruction of practical, gaffless routines and effects that can be done at a table or standing surrounded by a crowd.

Ellusionist also has some silver to give away with Metal. Five winners, randomly drawn from the first 100 orders, will of four 1929 “Walking Liberty” half dollars (the best $2 prize we’ve ever offered). We’ll tape the drawing live and show the results to the world on Tuesday.

From advance reviews that we’ve received, Metal is destined for “must-have magic” status. It’s filmed with the attention to detail, breadth and quality for which Ellusionist is known around the world. Metal will get you on the path to becoming classic with coins.

Metal will be available for purchase at 4 p.m. today (U.S. Eastern, 1 p.m. U.S. Pacific).

source : ellusionist.com